I will be writing random stories that come into my mind. They can contain any bollywood personality or a fictional character. The stories can be of any genre, but mostly love stories.
Main characters -:
Aryan Khan
Personality - deep, loving and humble, smart, short tempered, secretive.
Likes - cricket and football, sketching, cooks well, a great athlete, traveling.
Nysa Devgan
Personality - extrovert, bubbly, funny, smart, understanding, naughty, dangerous when angry.
Likes - singing, cooking, sports, adventures, traveling.
The other characters are Nysa and Aryan's family. We know their personality very well and hence I won't be introducing them personally.
Scenario -:
The drug case is over and Aryan is back at home and it's Decembern now. People have accepted that he was innocent but due to the case, he has lost his friends. All people who knew him now maintain a distance from him. Which makes him lonely and angry. He has decided to make a trip to Switzerland as Pathan's shoot is over. So that he gets some peace from all the past events.