Bella was born December 21st, the winter solstice. Also knows as, The Day Of The Pirate. Her dad was pure pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow, while her mother was born in the with the Red Coats and daughter of the governor, she grew up wearing elegant dresses and Lucius jewlrey, but she always had a passion to swing a few swords, and take long strolls in the sea.
Bella grew up without any parents. She was always the rebel of the city. With her name well known and her crew, ( the Black Pearl ) they sail the seas as one of the most feared crew ~to the red coats.~ but to the Black Pearl, the White Skulls, are the highest, and most feared pirate ruling all 7 seas. Bella always try's to avoid them, but when she comes across their captain, handsome Captain Avery, everything changes.
Join Bella on a long journey of Love, Life, and Adventure
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