You were walking up to the DWMA 'Another day another Maka' you thought "(F/N)!" Yelled soul. You smiled, you saw Maka trailing behind him. 'Oh great Maka is here' you thought You walked straight pass them. "F/n?" Said soul. You turned around and saw Maka smirking. 'I can't stand her.' You walked to Steins class taking your usual spot. Maka walked in...... alone. She walked up and sat next to you. "F/N? I don't want any drama between us. Sooooo...SOUL IS MINE!"she whispered rather loudly, "HOW CAN SOUL EVEN BELONG TO YOU MAKA?" You whisperd "Well Soul- "It's really uncool to talk about people behind their backs." Said Soul "Oh Good Grief, *sigh* sorry." You answered Black star and Tsubaki walked in. "(F/N? Why'd you ignore us all day?" Asked Tsubaki "THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR MUST KNOW!" Yelled Black Star You put your head on the table " leave be alone." You mumble You saw Maka put her hand in souls. The bell rang. You got up and left. 'That SLUT!' You started crying running somewhere.All Rights Reserved