They couldn't breathe, they could only watch in horror as the villain strode directly toward them, eyes locked in theirs. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and all they could do was close their eyes as the villain knelt in front on them.
They waited. They expected agony, broken bones or burns or- They felt fingers on their wrist, softly grazing the scars there.
"I didn't do that..." they whisper, and they manage to open their eyes. The villain was holding one of their hands, examining the markings along their arm.
"Who did?"
They didn't answer, they couldn't. They knew the consequences of telling someone.
"Who. Did. This."
"You're coming with me." The villains voice was laced with rage, sending them into a panic.
"What!?! No, wait-" the villain scooped them up, their struggles and protests ignored. "She's going to be so angry, please, no please..."