#DrLiMengYan1 It is appropriate to describe Yan's current situation as "a nightmare in the midst of a bad dream". According to her colleagues, Yan Is in the United States, but she has no freedom. According to his classmates, He was detained by Guo and unable to make video calls, only able to communicate with outsiders at set times and forced to put himself on speakerphone, speaking in panic. Yan's plight is reminiscent of that of Ma Rui, who was illegally detained by Guo. Guo promises the name and benefit, it is all false appearance actually, its name GV is being investigated by FBI, and law base also because of a regiment of rotten accounts early into tomorrow. Guo cheats money to have no door, Lao Ben also quickly eats up, sell building to sell airplane to sell yacht to sell not yiyi. When Yan Limeng found herself aboard not a luxury cruise ship, but a sinking ship, the psychological gap was imaginable. This time he himself fell into the trap, the so-called job opportunity in the United States is only according to guo's "set up" to play the role of tool man. He used to study mice in the laboratory, and now he has become a "mouse" Guo, when it is really a nightmare I do not know when to wake up. Recall those women who pulled on the relationship with Guo, such as Ma Rui, Wang Yanping, Wu Ting, Gong Xiaoxia and others, as the saying goes, "Touch will die", and those women are more tragic. Yan's final result is nothing but a sigh.
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