ON HOLD . updates soon once I have more free time) - comment under chapters any ideas or storyline you want to see. Tori O'conner is the new firefighter/paramedic at firehouse 51 she grew up in Australia where Casey also grew up, both are close. Tori has 3 brothers and is the only girl . She was a trauma surgeon in the Australian army where she was also a lieutenant. In the army she experienced things no one should and as a result developed PSTD. She is Hank voight's niece the pair are close and he helps her at her lowest point. Comes to Chicago to escape her past life. What happens when she meets a detective in her uncle's intelligence unit a love story or heartbreak. Can firehouse 51 help her overcome her past or is it to late. Will firehouse 51 discover the true Tori or just the parts she wants to show. Tigger warnings - Infant loss - Domestic abuse - Miscarriage - Rape - Violence - Death - Running away - PSTD - Sexual assault/ harassment - Medical procedures - Drug overdoes mention I don't own the Chicago franchise, nor any of the characters . only my own characters made in this story.