⭐️ Wattpad's Fiction Award Winner for The Best Protagonist, The Best Plot, The Best Supporting Character & The Best Friendship. ⭐️
It was just us, my sister and me. At age nineteen, I was content to live within Kathy's shadow to evade facing the demons of my past, where I felt safe, protected and blinded from everything I had run away from. But then Kathy left for work one night and never came home. Lost in hope and forced to leave the impenetrable shield I built around myself, I traipsed in my sister's footsteps, desperate to uncover the truth behind her disappearance. Not a clue left unturned, I grappled possibilities and found myself sat in a familiar spot, gazing out of the same window to watch the only person I knew had the answers, Kathy's former boss, Liam Warren, the most ruthless crime lord in all of London. You don't approach a man like him, or solicit favours from a renowned criminal. You didn't lie to get a job at his club, or portray to be someone you're not. And most importantly, you do not fall in love with him. Follow Alexa's journey of devastating love and emotional heartbreak, where she finds out everything she once knew turned out to be a lie.
(Written in British English).
Copyright © Lindsey Marie 2018All Rights Reserved