The year is 1988 and the place is New York City. Frankie Holtsman is a 30year old living in a studio apartment above a chines restaurant in China town along with her co- Worker and friend Patty. She's always loved Science and wanted to prove that ghosts are real, and that she is not crazy. For as long as she can remember, Holtzman has been able to not only see, but talk to ghosts, but like her father. Given the nickname ghost girl as a child she tried and tried to prove her bullies wrong as she aged and continued to see spirits. But sadly it never Happened and she grew up basically alone. Her roommate in collage also believed in Spirits, ghosts and the Slim possibility of some type of afterlife. But In 1984 when New York was saved by, the Ghostbusters, she knew that was her Purpose, to be a ghostbuster! Now, in 1988, the Ghostbusters are still going strong , And now they are respected, most of the time . And professional, almost none of the time. Frankies ready to live her dream, and do the one thing She was always supposed to do, not only help Catch ' evil Ghost' , but help communicate with 'Good ' ghosts or 'spirits' that are only trapped here Because they have unfinished business. Holtzy knows she can make a real difference in the world of Science, and she knows that in the end it was what she Was always meant to be - A Ghostbuster. It doesn't hurt that she also went through nine years of College and has a PhD Specializing in Experimental Particle physics as well as other fields of study. She studied at Higgins P. Institute in New York, and it just so happened that her professor was none other than Egon, a founding member of the Ghostbusters. So who you gonna call? What do you think lol? It will follow the original GhostBusters as well as the 2016 female Ghostbusters and the video game for the nintendo switch were the OGs are training a new ghostbusters. Will end up being aAll Rights Reserved
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