The book follows the everyday lives of a group of now-working young adults, Poppy, the optimistic sprite owner of the popular cafe, Sweet Pop, her over-cautious sprite boyfriend and assistant manager, Branch, an elf immigrant from the Philippines, Rose, a human college student and a witch, Violet and their friends in Castle City as they struggle with their work, rivals, relationships, self-acceptance, and becoming proper adults while living in Pop Village Apartments.
Warning: This contains graphic language, adult content, magic violence, and many more. Don't read if you are a weenie.
Clean version:
A serious branch x reader that doesn't have an over traumatized y/n? I'm in.
Story will be in 2nd person, they/them pronouns will be used, and there will be little to no description of Y/N because I don't want to take away from anyone's imagination. And I WILL take it as seriously as possible. I'm also not going to make Y/N's backstory like crazy depressing, they won't have a specific back story. I'm trying to make it slow burn, but not too slow burn. I want to make sure I actually finish this book. I wrote the first four chapters before publishing and I'll go from there.
Y/N is just a troll, with no genre label. I'm not very good at giving a description without spoiling anything :(