A girl named Michigy, who died because of her sister, seeks revenge, but when her sister dies and her crush betrays her, she is pushed back down to earth. There, she meets 5 girls who become her best friends. She wants to protect herself. Will she use her second chance wisely?Or will she die?
Michigy hates her sister, Sarahmi. She is in the sky and for the first 5 days/nights she makes her revenge, but then something unexpected happened and changed her plans around. Sarahmi, her sister, died in a car crash. Her crush invited her to a picnic and betrayed her, all because of a hole. Down there, Michigy finds out that her mother didn't want to treat her the bad way she was treating her. She finds out that there is good stuff down there, and makes new friends: Mantas, Kate, Tamara,Jina, and Tina. They all decide to have a fun sleepover. What else could Michigy ever wish for?
{Fiction story: This is a fun, but creepy story. @All CopyRights Reserved
Happy Reading,