7 parts Ongoing In a whimsical realm where sugary landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, a young girl is mysteriously transported to a vibrant world made entirely of cookies and confections. In this enchanting land, she embraces her new identity as the Baker, a title bestowed upon her for her unique ability to create and nurture the sweetest delights.
Alongside her spirited companions, including the brave Gingerbrave and a delightful cast of cookie friends, she embarks on an epic adventure to build a flourishing Cookie Kingdom. Together, they explore the magical lands of Earthbread, filled with fascinating ingredients and charming characters, while pursuing her heartfelt dream of spreading joy and sweetness throughout the realm. With each creation, she discovers the power of friendship, courage, and magic within her sweet ambitions.
I thank my GF, WolfKnight319, for making this series possible!