Dealing with Break-ups/ Heartbreaks
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  • Membaca 98
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Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Des 24, 2014

I wasn't actually serious about this book or what. I just wanted to give you guys some tips if you're dealing with heartbreaks. 

If you're wondering, I'm just a 12 year-old dirtbag. Kinda nerdy, kinda cool kid. A grade 7 student. From Philippines. Punk rock. And that's it. 

 I haven't experienced heartbreak and falling for someone (except for Harry Styles, of course. I mean, how can you not love Harry?). But I know how to handle it based on stories I read and heard from people around me. Really, our generation is full of young people who are in a relationship in an early age. And it's sad to think about that. It's not really good. 

At a young age, you have the time and the energy to live your life (even though you don't have the money). Do things that you won't be able to do when you're old. Make some change to the world (wow that's deep I can't even see Adele rolling in it). It's better to focus on some things than flirting with someone everyday, right? 

Let's get straight to the point, LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG (wanna live, wanna live~). 

Anyways,  back to dealing stuff.In each chapter, I'll write some guidelines and opinion for you to put yourself together and be back with your senses.

P.S. I'm pretty smart in giving advices. Pretty lame advices. :) Hehehe

P.S.S. Lol. Just remind you I'm NOT really serious about this. But someday, maybe.....
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