I have devised to create a collection of poems called Synergy. It is about describing the same theme from different perspectives: life as a spiritual path where each passage of time is also reflected as changes in the time of the spirits, in the evo. In it, each action we take brings us closer or further away from the ideal spiritual state that is heaven. The main focus of Synergy is from the perspective of a couple that complement each other, both essences that transmit different forces, but whose forces add up and give rise to a new force, which is the synergy produced by both essential forces. This synergy produces an ideal walk in spiritual and physical time, whose destiny is to reach heaven together, each his heaven, but ultimately shared skies, the final product of synergy.
Throughout the process, along the way, events occur in the universe that allow us to meet people, friends, temporary loves, disappointments, learnings ... in short, everything that adds up and everything that temporarily remains and then adds again ... Walking through the anteroom of time, living these events, those connections, continually preparing, waiting until later one day to find that connection that suddenly manages to deeply touch the being ... everything is part of walking, everything is part of the phenomenon of walking together through spiritual and physical time, until finally reaching shared heavens, the ideal state of souls expressed as a synergy in its final and definitive state ...
# 1 Synergy from the evo
Las votaciones del año 2036 son algo que no me emociona, ya que los candidatos, a mi parecer, no valen la pena, en especial Alejandro Villanueva, aquel chico que se burlaba de mí por mi sobrepeso y al que ahuyenté cuando decidí defenderme. Mi encuentro con él y mi comentario imprudente en la fila para votar es el inicio de una propuesta que no puedo rechazar, así como tampoco puedo negar la profunda atracción y el inmenso deseo entre los dos.
De la noche a la mañana me he vuelto la futura dama y también he descubierto que soy la obsesión del presidente.