This is an American Horror Story Fanfic about a girl named Juliet Meyers based on American Horror Story: Season One only. Juliet Meyers is based off of Violet Harmon and Tyler Colly-more is based off of Tate Langdon from the television show. American Horror Story is one of my favorite shows. But this story is really not for the easily frightened or triggered by intense Horror scenes. There are scenes in here that are explicit and triggering for some people. Thank you for reading this story if you continue to read it. I'm trying a new writing prompt and really loved Violet Harmon's character development in the season as someone who likes to write novels for fun, joy, and most of all: excitement for you. I'm not good at writing about horror. This is my first horror story using my own imagination. I'm trying to write horror. This could end up being really bad. But I won't know until I try it. I really like Evan Peters and Taissa Farmiga as actors in the film series on Netflix. Ps. None of this is real. This is purely from my own imagination and voice. But there will be frightening images displayed in the descriptions about Halloween. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I usually try to celebrate it by going to Cedar Point Hallo-Weekends. It has been my goal to travel to Ohio and see it. I love this story because it is filled with Halloween and exciting things. I hope you like it as well. I have been working on this one creatively speaking for you. The videos I have chosen are not mine by any means necessary. They belong to YouTube. Rarely updated story about Halloween and scary stories being told by a writer. "Hey, I'm Tate, I'm dead, wanna hook up? I don't think so." (Tate Langdon to Violet Harmon.) "The devil is real. And he isn't a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful. He's a fallen angel and he used to be God's favorite." "You are the only light I have ever known." "If you love someone you should never hurt them."}}}}}All Rights Reserved