There's always a first in everything. First time to walk. First time to talk. First time to smile. First time to laugh. We have these many 'firsts' in our lives that we'll surely cherish because they're simply special. But not all 'firsts' are that great. There are some that we would rather forget and never think of again. Like, the first time to have big wound on your knee that until today has left an ugly scar. Or the first time you spoke in front of everybody and you cannot say anything because of too much anxiety. Or the first time you've lost a loved one, and you thought you'd never recover again. Then there's the first time to fall in love. At first it was fun...butterflies in your stomach, unexplainable feelings, giddy smiles. Everything was great. Until one day he just decides to leave. This is my story. The story of my first love and first heartache. The story of how I lost him.