After being betrayed by Astrid, Hiccup leaves Berk on Toothless and continues his search for far away lands in hopes to find another Night Fury. Meanwhile in Scotland, Merida is practicing her archery with her horse Angus in unexplored forests. She stumbles upon a dark cave and Will O' the Wisps appear and enter into the cave.
Following the Wisps Merida finds a clear reflection pool and looks into it, not finding her own reflection, but the reflections of something or someone else. Just a few moments before these events, Hiccup finds a new undiscovered land so he and Toothless descend from the skies and settle onto it.
As soon as they landed, Hiccup dismounts Toothless and looks around. While Hiccup was distracted small blue glowing spirits led Toothless away. Just as Hiccup was turning back to his friend, he saw him running off into the woods that were near by. Hiccup runs after Toothless and he enters a dark damp cave in the process. Soon enough Hiccup finds Toothless by a pool of water, and they both look into it. As they both looked for their reflections they see only one looking back at them.
Join Merida and Hiccup on their journey and possible romance in this book by yours truly... zhe HannaBudder