Ichiro Fuyu was a lonesome child, his parents only focused on her big sister Maki Zenin due to Ichiro being adopted, however Maki thought the opposite, Maki loved her younger brother Ichiro so much she'd protect him at any cost, Maki and Ichiro moved out at the age of 16(Ichiro) and 19(Maki) since they both hated their parents, they moved in with Maki's best friend Perona, which Ichiro knew who she was. In Ichiro's chldhood, Maki introduced Ichiro to Perona, Perona had a younger brother named Roronoa Zoro, they were blood-related but different mothers, Due to that, Ichiro and Zoro became besties, but Zoro had to move out in the age of 10 to Grand Line City, oh how Ichiro missed his best friend for 5 years, it was his best ever gift in his life, but his depression is still with him even moving in with Zoro, he secretly takes a candy of serotonin every day, to make him feel like he's in Cloud Nine, but due to his big otaku-ness, anime still makes him happy a little, but he didn't knew.. a wholesome freckled raven-haired boy next door.. was going to grab a hold of his heart.