Dear Haley; Love, Haley Vol. 1
18 Partes Concluida Life is deadly and alive. We can either kill ourselves or be killed.
I write so others see how life is in my eyes. I know my world is not everyone else's, but perspective can show people that there is something to offer in this world and that we are not alone, even in a world filled with people. Life leads us as we are guided by our choices. And there is only one way to live life, and that decision is up to you.
"Dear Haley; Love, Haley" is a way I communicate with our Creator, the highest source. This collection is dedicated to myself, my future, and The Most High. For without them I am nothing, and with them, I am everything and all. My diary is representation for everyone who aspires to write to the Creator of themselves. This letter outline is designed to help people understand an amazing journey as to how you came about and how you are led to your greatest destiny, the destiny you write with your own hands.
I hope people all around the world enjoys my work as it is not to show others that I am human, but that we are all human. Everyone deserves love, everyone deserves forgiveness, and everyone deserves a peace of mind. We are not like everyone in this world, we are simply who we are.
Thank you all for learning life each day; it is truly an honor to live each day with the knowledge to know that you are meaningful and that you have purpose.
All you have to do is get to know yourself.
Most importantly, a special thanks to The Most High. I love you forever, and always. Thank you.
Love, Haley Diane Vee