In an alternate universe, a five-year-old Dean Winchester made a choice: Keep his baby brother and let his father, John Winchester, possibly hurt him or give him up and let him live safely.
36 years later, a human/supernatural hunter and father to four "Special" children (his trueborn, Samantha Marie, and his three adopted children, Amazon Emma, Dhampir Ben, and Cambion Jesse-Turner Wesson), Sam Wesson sends his kids to an alternate universe to escape Chuck erasing their existences for going "off-script for his story".
Now in a new world and far from home, the siblings decide laying low isn't as much an option in a world where the angels have fallen and friends and allies are now strangers to them.
So, what's the best course for charting a new universe?
Go hunting.
The Winchester brothers had sadly lost their Mom in that house fire when Sam was only 6 months old but 6 years later, John slept with a siren and none months later a baby girl is born. Sirens have been hunted not by Hunters but by Demons, Vampires, and other supernatural creatures because they wanted the high of having the siren's power run through their blood even if it's only for a few days. The last siren, to save her race, seduces John hoping he would take her baby. He does and shortly after the siren dies leaving John with a baby siren to protect with his two boys. That was thirteen years ago. Now, Merina is a singer competing in competitions after being kicked out a year after Sam. She thought she wouldn't see her family again, but what will she do when Sam and Dean come knocking on her door telling her John is missing?
*I don't own anything belonging to the Supernatural series. It belongs to the Warner Brothers.