TodoDeku While patrolling the streets during their work study, Shoto Todoroki and Mirio Togata encounter something strange. A boy their age, running out of an alleyway, scared for his life. The boy, short with fluffy green hair and freckles, was covered in scars and bruises. Todoroki becomes even more concerned for the boy when a known villain follows the boy, claiming to be his father. Especially when the boy is clearly scared of the man. Unable to help the boy that day, Todoroki and Togata are determined to rescue him with the help of the heroes. _______ sorry but I suck at descriptions. Basically instead of Eri being "kidnapped" by the Shie Hassaikai, it's Deku, but he's actually being held by the League of Villians instead because that works better for my story. I'm still kinda new to the my hero Fandom so if things are incorrect then feel free to correct me.All Rights Reserved
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