We say we've grown,
We say we've developed,
We say we've become more intellectual,
We say we're the most advanced version of our species.
But are these the truth,
Or are these the lies we have attributed to ourselves,
And made ourselves entirely blind,
To what could have otherwise been.
We, as people, live a limited life, maybe up to an age of fifty or sixty or seventy or so. This is our cage to either touch the highest peak or the lowest or stay balanced among the two. But the question is, as humans, where do we choose to stay?
The answer is as simple as the question, "being balanced", or sometimes soaring to the "highest", but never to the lowest. As humans, we choose to touch the highest peak at one side but, unknowingly, we are also touching the deepest trough at the other, such that we win something from one hand and lose something from the other.
Why do we, as humans, have to lose something to earn something else? Why can't we be happy with whatever is already given? The mistakes made by individual humans pile up to those that finally render the entire humanity as an unbalanced bridge, incapable of a happy and prosperous journey.
Let's embark together in this journey of empowerment to try and recover and make ourselves a bridge, balanced and steady, capable of the best journey ever.