With the numbers in the wizarding world diminishing rapidly the Ministry of Magic has seen fit to implicate a new system to ensure that young witches and wizards are finding their soulmates. Before the start of their eighth year at Hogwarts each witch and wizard receives a charmed mirror that will lead them to their matches. Draco Malfoy is less than thrilled when Reflection Day comes the day before the start of eighth year and all of his classmates begin to pair off, but he's even more disgruntled when he seems to have received a malfunctioning mirror. His mirror remains blank; his classmates chatter about how they can see their soulmates room, and yet all Draco sees when he looks in the mirror is himself. Finally, one day, as he staring into the mirror a face looks at him back. Weeks go by, and Draco can only ever see the girl in the mirror sporadically throughout the day, sometimes only fleetingly. No matter what he does, it's like she has no idea he's there. Until one day he over hears another classmate talking about their defective mirror, and a mysterious girl looking back at him.
The next day, a new girl appears at Hogwarts and Draco can't help but feel drawn to her
Apparently, he's not the only one
This book is meant for an older audience, and will include topics not appropriate for younger children. Sex, language, violence, and other mature topics are included.
*** This book will have dark content, including rape, abuse, nonconsensual sexual acts, violence, language, and other triggering topics. If this is something that might trigger you please read with caution. ***
From the aftermath of a legendary wizarding war , from the shadows of a famous magical school.Left to rot and ruin .Births a new , darker , more powerful generation of witches and wizards.Raised on the stories of The Boy Who Lived and how he and his fierce coven vanquished the Dark Lord for eternity !
But these student's lives are anything but a fairytale.Who do they aspire to be ? The next crowned hero , known by name far and wide ? Celebrated and worshipped ? The next flame haired sidekick , with a heart of gold ? - the witty , book-smart heartthrob ? Or will they be the greatest villains anyone has ever known ? Following in the footsteps of the Dark Prince himself . Draco Malfoy.Ivory Jordis Celeste Star a rebellious witch with a crown of snakes , a heart of ice and a murderous magical talent .But what happens when past becomes present ? When time looses meaning and the wizarding world is again in the grips of a war , fit to tear it apart ? When old meets young and ghosts from the past return from the grave ?
Together they will unmask each other's darkest desires and deepest secrets .Friendships shattered and body's dropping against the clock .They must find what it truly means to love and sacrifice and be of magical blood .Discovering a potentially destructive darkness within gifted Ivory .Sharing not only mind but soul .Each of their lives forever bound by one another ,Dark against light .Old against New.Good against Evil.Trapped by their pasts and dammed by their futures will they break the stereotypes and expectations to rise and reign as Evils King and Queen ? Or die alone as forsaken souls.
Together they must force each other out of the darkness into the light , against the magical, world that holds them .