Warning major canon Divergence:-
Theon didn't betray Robb and he becomes Lord Of Iron Isle after his father's death.
Robb Stark kept his oath to Walder Frey and married Roslin, so the Red Wedding didn't happen.
Purple Wedding happened early, and just like canon the blame was fell on Tyrion.
As purple wedding happened early, Tywin also died early and just after his death The Knights Of The Vale declared for Robb Stark.
The Lannister-Tyrell alliance is weakened after the death of Tywin Lannister, who was murdered by his own son before his escape.
This caused major consequences and The War Of The Five Kings ended with a decisive victory for Robb Stark, who defeated the Iron Throne with the might of his army.
With the Lannisters defeated, King Robb Stark now ruled the independent Kingdoms of North, Vale, Trident and The Iron Isle.
But what will happen when Daenerys Targaryen and her army descends upon Westeros. And what will Robb do when was caught between the war in the south and the war in the far North.