First things first, get this in your head. Giants. Are. REAL. Think about all of those stories that you read as a child and were like sooo cool! Now take that, add about 14 years, then add fan girling. This is the story of that one kid in class who has her book stuck in the same giant fairy tale throughout all of the school years, that's Katie. See what happens when her most absolute, best dream ever come true. How will survive the fan girling spasms?
Why is she there? What will the giants think of her "ability"? And most importantly, how will such diffrent species get along in one, giant house? Join Katie as she lives her dream with her new housemates Jack, Josh, Ethan, Chris, Maria, Dani and so many more people that can't fit into the list! What could possibly go wrong?!?! Read Life with Giants (Fan Girling Edition) by volleyballstar12