This is the last time I'm meeting a match from a dating app. The past few months have been too much--the men are either horny, boring or just plain weird. After this, I'm giving up and staying single for the rest of my life--men are all jerks anyway.
I enter into the cool air of the restaurant and spot a man looking around as if he's waiting for someone; from here, it looks like the guy I'm supposed to be meeting. I give a little wave, and he walks forward, reaching out his hand.
"Hey, I'm Jimin. It's nice to meet you."
Up close, he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, and all I can do is stare open-mouthed. This is not what I expected from a random Bumble match. He's soft-spoken, but looks a little mischievous, and I can feel the corners of my mouth turn up into a small smile as butterflies flitter softly in my stomach.
Ok. For tonight, I'll try to forget all about all the things that have hurt me in the past. For tonight, I'll just be me: free of responsibility, free of worry, free of baggage. He sees my smile, and his grows even larger, his eyes beginning to disappear. Oh, my heart.
"I'm Willow."