Cataract surgery is safe and effective way to replace the cloudy lens in your eye with an artificial clear lens implant, in order for you to see clearly.
What are Cataracts?
The natural lens in the eye is perfectly clear, but will naturally become cloudy with age- referred to as a 'cataract'. Eventually, the vision becomes hazy and the lens will need to be removed, as it causes burred vision, and often times is associated with nighttime glare.
What Are the Symptoms of Cataracts?
Symptoms of cataract include: Clouded, blurred, or dim vision. Also reduced quality of night vison, often associated with nighttime glare with driving. Many patients will also note difficulty reading, and the fading of colors.
How are Cataracts Treated?
Before cataract surgery, you will meet with your doctor to talk about lens options, and clarify any questions you may have. Cataract surgery is one of the safest, most common, and most effective procedures performed in the United States. It is an outpatient procedure that is usually completed in approximately 20 minutes. During the procedure, anesthetic is applied to your eye, and you are also given an IV 'twilight' sedative by an anesthesiologist. The cataract is broken up and removed, and your chosen IOL is implanted to replace the original lens. Most people experience little or no discomfort during the process and say that cataract surgery was easier than they expected.
When is the Best Time for Cataract Surgery?
You must ultimately decide when the best time will be to proceed with the surgery. The decision is based on your symptoms, and how much difficulty you may be having with visual tasks. Ultimately, the right time is when you wish to see better, and improve your vision.