"When I arrived at the shelter, my ribs were bruised from repeated beatings, my paw pads were sliced with glass, and my soul was tinged with the fear of man and his capabilities."
After escaping abusive owner Lucian, Fray finds himself in a shelter surrounded by neglected, abandoned, and mistreated dogs. One in particular, a former fight dog named Cain, hates humans with each muscle in his body. Fray discovers that this hate is what eventually led to the heroic dog's death and realizes he must learn to live with humans and accept their love.
This story was originally written as an English project with the assistance of a partner in class. Although she helped me with the overall plot, I was the sole writer of the story. I hope you guys enjoy!
Destinata a venir uccisa dopo le nozze dal marito e l'amante di lui, Dominique divorzia dal proprio fiancé e si risposa velocemente con il cattivo secondario della storia. Trasferitasi al di fuori del regno per vivere serena con il suo "avventuriere" marito, Dominique scopre velocemente di aver appena causato una grossa crisi politica, il motivo? Ha appena sposato un Imperatore molto vendicativo e possessivo... -Stesso universo di Game of War