Millions of years later in a sister galaxy far far away but relatively near to our favorite... Sherodean Hillmus Jedi Master Overlooker Nika Goodvin Upcoming Hero (female Obi-Won) Joul Skyymeer Flight General, Fighter and Engineering Genius Jacius Eolityh Chosen One Shadow Knight Zylyx Temple God that teaches high-speed lightsaber training. Deathlyx Evil twin of Zylyx Gobbrim Giant orc that carries laser blaster weaponry Darth Hexius Can force multiple lightsabers. Up to 6. Darth Jeminous Can switch off other peoples' lightsabers Darth Necrimous Brings back dead people as zombies or recent dark lords Golden Lightsaber Cannot be switched Off. Dragarth Gaul I Ghostly spirits similar to the Matrix Twins Dragarth Gaul II Dragarth Gaul III Darth Ultimathus Can duel at 'flash speed'. An insane SPM (swipes per minute).