'I want to fly for real, Han. I want to grow wings. I want to jump and just soar, away from this world, be an angel. This world wasn't made for everyone, why do I have to stay on the ground?' Minho took a step forward in the moonlight, and just then, it was like he really was an angel. His hair was edged with silver, like a halo, too thin shirt blowing in the wind, his tear glowing as it traced down his impossibly beautiful face. He held out his arms, like in Titanic, as if waiting for his Jack to save him, to hold him, tell him it would be alright, when it wouldn't.
Because alright is a myth, a luxury for those who can afford it. For the strays of the world, it's a fairytale, told to those who sat in fluffy beds surrounded four walls and a roof, those with a family.
Kang Hyeon told herself that she could leave her old life behind, that she could live in comfort with a kindly foster family. Maybe there would be a kindly aunt with greying hair and laughter lines.
Instead she had to flee.
Running again, but this time with company.
This time, with a family.
And so help her God if anyone tried to take them away.
HAN IS NOT THE ROMANTIC LOVE INTEREST! he is the closest to the mc and has a very important role in this so he's the cover