just suddenly thought of some scene because of off and gun's update in their work right now. while gun is filming one of his upcoming series and off coming inside of safehouse right now. 😁🤭 and just wanted to share it because im whipped for offgun right now. Its basically just some line i wanted them or imagined them to say. Hahahaha Here's some link that inspired me to imagine this thing. Hahahhaha https://youtu.be/dbkKZUg2gxY https://instagram.com/stories/oabnithi/2707290517747922085?utm_medium=share_sheet https://instagram.com/stories/oabnithi/2707410639972035356?utm_medium=share_sheet And also a tweet that says about there's lukegun when gun is in safehouse, then theres oabgun when its Off inside the safehouse. And like off cant let his guard down. So yeah. But i couldnt find it anymore so just said it here anyway. Hahahahhaa hope you guys dont mind Note: photos are not mine. I just screenshot it in ig and edited it together. 😊