In the aftermath of the Mount Weather disaster, Clarke Griffin embarks on a perilous journey through the uncharted wilderness, grappling with the weight of her decisions and haunted by the lives lost. Alone and burdened by guilt, she navigates treacherous terrain, each step a reminder of the darkness that threatens to consume her.
As Clarke delves deeper into the unknown, she encounters unexpected allies and faces unseen dangers. Amidst the shadows of despair, a mysterious brunette warrior emerges, their paths intertwining in unforeseen ways. Together, they confront the perils of the wilderness, their journey fraught with peril and uncertainty.
Haunted by her past and tormented by her demons, Clarke struggles to find redemption amidst the chaos. Will she succumb to the guilt that gnaws at her soul, or will she find the strength to overcome the darkness surrounding her? As she grapples with these questions, Clarke's fate hangs in the balance, and her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
I do not own most of these characters !! all copyright goes to the 100
1.# heda - 22.4.
1.# clexa - 3.7.
1.# wanheda - 5.7.
1.# clexakru - 9.3.
You want a battle? I'll give you a war.
A dying Ark sends 100 juvenile delinquents down to earth to see if its survivable after the nuclear war several generations before. Among those 100, is Clarke Griffin, a stubborn, persistent, and smart leader. Clarke quickly becomes the leader of her group and is captured by grounders. Grounders have survived on earth since the bombs and many are trained to become ruthless warriors. Their leader, whom they worship, is Lexa kom Trikru. She is a violent, ruthless, cunning leader. What happens when the two of them meet?
This is a slowburn Clexa book based off the 100 show.