{AU} After the events of The Force Awakens, Remii Stellar arrives on the island of Ahch-To and settles into island life. Training with Luke Skywalker and her friends, parenting little Grogu and...having surprise ForceTimes with a specific First Order somebody whose name rhymes with 'Rylo Ken'. ~ ⁑ D i s c l a i m e r ⁑ 1) Remii Stellar is my D&D character in @princessjasminefliesaway's Star Wars D&D campaign. I do not take any claim over Jas's campaign, any of the campaign's events (past and future) or any of her brilliant work, I am simply (and over-the-moon-ly) existing within it. 2) Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Grogu and various Star Wars locations/characters are mentioned in this story but I take no claim over the characters or any related properties/content.
13 parts