Hi! welcome . I'm seema,Thank you for visiting here.I hope you are doing well. I know the pandemic cause a lot of problems not only physically but also mentally too. There are many people who ended up depressed because of lockdown and some of them lost their hope in living life like before. But what if you were locked for twelve freaking years in your home and you found out you're nothing ,but just a person to your family whom then need to save and keep you alive. what will you do ? sitting alone and thinking about ruined life is enough for building tears in eyes. why has it to me ? who am I really ? tears left from the two eyes who were shining due to tears . she wanted forget everything so she thought to listen music but something caught her attention . it was a video. A handsome boy was smiling while saying " Love yourself" and maybe she mouthed " I do" smiled " If I don't than I wasn't here" Just than the flashed back started in her mind "Her untold childhood"