A tale where Chongyun accidentally summons a spirit that almost killed Xingqiu in the process, they go on with their lives often telling the story about how they almost died to their friends. But what Chongyun doesn't know is that Xingqiu is keeping something from him. The tale is about how Xingqiu died and how chongyun wishes he did something to save his best friend. The story is based on Chongyun's perspective and he would often imagine Xingqiu's ghost smiling at him every night trying to tell him he's alright. But he knows it isn't since he repels spirits close to him which means he can't even get close to Xingqiu without having to repel him away (ps sorry for my bad writing, this is my first time writing a story, btw the cover is not mine so credits to the artist on tiktok. I forgot their user tho- Also, some characters may be ooc)