"Nesá you don't understand I still love you..." he sighed and said it with broken voice "you act like nothing happend between us!" I shouted at him, he looked at me bit He didn't say anything. "neymar, the last time you said that you left me without saying anything, YOU RAN AWAY AND DISTROTED MY WHOLE LIFE!" I shouted again. He looked at the ground and took a deep breath " look.. I know I hurt you the last time I said that, but I promise this time it will be different..." he said with a sad voice. he really thinks I'm that dumb, he thinks I will fall for that again like last time! "I'm sorry nesá... that I left without saying anything but I didn't have a choice..." he added. "and you think I will believe that?" I asked him. he looked at me, "I know you won't believe me, but I will do anything to make up for my mistake, ANYTHING!" he answered "that won't change anything..." I sighed "of course it will change something, we can have a family like we planed" he said "neymar... we already have a family, a broken family to be exact...." I said While starting to tear up "what do you mean?!" He asked "WHEN YOU LEFT I WAS PREGNANT THATS WHAT I MEAN NEYMAR!" I shouted. Neymar looked at me and was shocked "you were what?" Neymar gasped, he didn't say anything and just look at me.
You want to know how it continues? Well then read this story, it will tell you how it a started and soon it will tell him it all ends <3