Three middle-schoolers named Sadie, Brock, and Anna had a sleepover on summer break after finding a mysterious music box under an oak tree. After Anna, Sadie, and Brock wished that they were their favorite Mixels characters, they opened the music box only to hear the Mixels theme song but in a music box cover. The music box then sucked them up and they then came out of the portal, realizing they swapped bodies with whatever mixel they wished to be. I do not own Mixels in any way, shape, or form.
All rights to Mixels go to Cartoon Network & LEGO. Also, this was inspired by Amphibia by Disney & Mixed-Up Worlds by artpossom. Also also, any typo in Scorpi's speech is not a mistake, it's supposed to reflect on Scorpi's squeaks. Also also also, this has a Yo-Kai in it for some reason.
Westeros is a land where intrigue, conspiracy and gold rule. A land where everyone has to look twice to avoid being stabbed in the back. A land that never expected one "insignificant" event - the arrival of a Pseudo-Servant capable of single-handedly destroying its foundations. With the knowledge of the modern world and the Servant's abilities, what changes will he make? And is Westeros ready for those very changes?