So in case you didn't know, I am in love w/ The Land of Stories, a series by Chris Colfer. Recently we had an exercise in class to rewrite Jack and the Beanstalk from an unexpected pov, and I couldn't resist using Colfer's version of Queen Red Riding Hood, given her history w/ Jack in the series. Also, there were conditions we had to pick from and use in the story, but I don't think it's necessary for you guys to know them lol.
Also, disclaimer that I also put on the assignment in class:
-side note- the characters and relationships of characters are NOT mine, except the witch. I just wrote the story based on relationships used in The Land of Stories series, between Red, Goldilocks, and Jack, plus the twins, Gloria the harp, and Charlie (known as Froggy for most of the series, because he had been transformed into a frog by an evil witch). But the writing in this exercise itself is mine :)
So there ya go, my first fanfic in a while! Feels good, hope you guys enjoy :)
Cover- a pic online from Colfer's Ultimate Bookhugger's Guide to TLOS (which I also have and enjoy a lot, given to me by my BFF GuardianofOwls, go follow her)
(shameless plug- READ TLOS BY CHRIS COLFER!)