Y/N Prince Wayne son of earth's 50 Batman and Wonder Woman who are members of the justice lords has they ruled over the world by power and oppression has all criminals are either mind controlled taken to daycare prison or are killed by them and through his life his lived alone because both of his parents never are there for him has the only people who give him attention are Ace and Alfred who also like Y/N don't like this world order so when Y/N hit the age 21 he started building himself a rebellion that would go against them and it surprisingly work but they would sometimes always win but even four years of fighting them it finally ended when prime earth's justice league they help him fight the justice lords and when there battle went to there world Y/N joined them to stop his parents and the rest of the lords but after defeating them he was stuck there and seen there's already a Red Hood the goddess of the moon came down to him and offered him to become her champion he accept it and became Moon knight (Do remember that like always that Moon Knight, Dc, Marvel, the characters, fanart, images, gifs and videos aren't own by me)Toate drepturile rezervate