Whether the artificial intelligence is a panacea from all our troubles or it won't lead up to good? In this work not only the difference of artificial intelligence from consciousness of the person is shown, but it is also demonstrated - to what result this difference will lead.
Under the artificial intelligence (AI), apparently, should be understood the ability of the machine (electronic computing, quantum or other) brain to solve tasks, to provide the requested information and, using sensors, to control a variety of devices by modeling of a situation according to a goal.
The main characteristics of this brain are the memory size and processor speed on use of the programs, entered into it, exceeding the same characteristics of the human brain, and thus allowing to effectively replace a person both in solving various problems, and in managing complex processes.
In particular, AI is used in mathematical proofs, data analysis, when planning, forecasting, translation, systematization of knowledge, training, recognition, interaction with the external environment according to indications of sensors (manipulation of objects, navigation, regulation of technological processes, diagnosis of diseases, customer service in finance and trade, protection of objects, control of transport, harmful productions, entertainments etc.).
Part of scientists believes that the artificial intelligence, as well as and the person, is capable to have creative abilities, or creativity. In particular, treat Mark Ridl from Institute of Technology of Georgia (USA) them and the head of the association "London Futurists" David Wood (Great Britain).