In order to doubt, that a person's intellect is his mind, or consciousness, make sense to compare it with artificial intellect. Then it becomes clear that intellect by itself and consciousness in general differ significantly and an attempt should be made to clarify the essence of intellect and its connection with consciousness generally and human consciousness in particular.
Until now, the majority of minds are dominated by delusion associated with equating the intellect (from the Latin intellectus - knowledge, understanding, reason) to the mind, which in turn is being associated with consciousness.
Several decades ago in the United States, even as a test for cleverness, by which was meant the level of mental development, the so-called the intelligence quotient (IQ) was used, which was first introduced into use by the German researcher Wilhelm Stern in 1912.
This coefficient (quotient), according to a number of scientists, quantitatively shows the level of intelligence (intellect), and therefore, as they believed, of the mind, in comparison with the level of the mind of the average person. An average person is one who has the same age and development as the person, whose coefficient is measured, that is, IQ shows the correspondence or deviation of the level of intelligence (intellect) from the average.
How would you feel if the person that you knew for your whole life ended up being completely different than how you imagined that they were in your head?
A highschool student named Yukki once thought that her childhood bestfriend was a good person, before discovering her true nature just by looking at something she shouldn't had looked at.
Once she found out who she really was, her life changed completely, or more specifically, it turned upside down.
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