Are you tired of the old playboy/nerd girl or good girl/badboy romances? Frustrated at all the girl rejected by her mate-but turns out to be a white wolf-which is special and powerful-then falls in love with her ex-mate-even after dating a nice guy for years-stories? Emotionally drained by all the weak girls who let men control every. single. thing. in. their. lives. including. eating. and. sleeping? Ready to destroy this site because of the overabundance of the One Direction fanfics? Then look no further to HELP! I'm Drowning in Cliches! After four years of immersive research, study, and interaction I have compiled a list of many of the cliches many of the talented writes of this site have fallen into and how to get around them or even somehow incorporate them into your story while still making it original, entertaining, and not deletion worthy.All Rights Reserved