fighting for the top, was two players main goal in the game they both play bed wars one from the void not posting for over a year (sounds like me being dead for a week on here lol) and one posting mostly noy for a week, but when both of them join a game, the other knows who the other is, as they join the game both of them not on the same team but across from each other, as both of them got to the middle , " Shes at mid " i know she is" i see her " i see you staring down there " she jumped down with red flowers felling behind her , as they fell they landed on the ground , her firefly red eyes , glowed in the dark ness of her helmet , the flowers that have Fellin light a firely red , she draw her sword from the handle , and they begone to fight , after i few badly wounded and bloody swords and break potions on the ground , one of them had to win but one give that up for the other to win , " you did well blade.." she said looking up from the two blocks she stayed back on a two block tower , the dead players from the game before what's happing now , watched them both , but i think it's time that you win" techno looked at the girl with a bow on her back, by the way " she started we will meet each other soon " the names ender... " you have the win its on me " she got up and held out both her arms , but she kicked out the sword from technos hand and the "you lose on technos sceen showed up and the victory came up on enders sceen