[REQUESTS OPEN] Forth Tolkienites!!! The one-shot book to rule all! All genre available! (Short stories, one-shots, ideas, preferences, and some occasional memes.π)
Feel like you're all alone in your world of LOTR/ TH/ TS(The Silmarillion), like no one understands your fandom? Have you ever felt that you were meant to be born in Middle-Earth, where Earendil shines upon every lonely path? Then come, Child of Iluvatar, for I invite you to my own little world of stories, some sorrowful but some filled with friendship and joy.
Indulge yourself in whirlwind romances, sweet fluff, tissue-alert angst, adventure, friendship, modern AU, and comedy; featuring Legolas, Aragorn, Thranduil, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen, Galadriel, Glorfindel, Lindir, Haldir, Celeborn, Galion, Tauriel, my OCs and much more of our beloved characters!
Updates on every Wednesday! Requests are welcome!!!
#15 in Silmarillion
HarryPotterxLOTR crossover
Because there are not nearly enough of those.
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Azalea Potter was tired.
Cursed - an immortal woman in a world full of mortals, with every death of a loved one she lost a piece of her heart.
It was too much, and so she did what she had never once done before: she gave up.
Or at least, she tried to, but it seemed higher powers had other ideas.
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Oblivious chosen one.
Cheeky Glorfindel.
Equally oblivious Glorfindel.
Simp Glorfindel.
Mama bear Elrond.
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#1 in theHobbit - 01/02/2021
#1 in Glorfindel - 01/02/2021
#1 in Elrond - 01/02/2021
#1 in Estel - 01/02/2021
#1 in Tolkien - 13/02/2021
#1 in Celeborn - 13/02/2021
#1 in CelebrΓan - 13/02/2021
#1 in Aragorn - 02/03/2021
#1 in LoTR - 04/03/2021
#1 in lordoftherings - 03/03/2021
#1 in Arwen - 14/03/2021
#1 in Middleearth - 18/03/2021
Started: late 2020
Finished: 13.06.21