Hello, guys! This Mogtober is written, drawn and crafted, so everything in one.
Now some rules:
1. We ship Morrijack here sooooo bad! If you want to publish rude comments, doors are right there ➡️🚪
2. If you've got suggestions for stories, pictures, and other, write me to the PM. (In comments you might spoil it to others)
3. If you didn't read Hollowpox, better do. There are going to be some spoilers.
4. Since Silverborn is coming out, I will read it asap, but there will be NO SPILERS TO SILVERBORN, because lots of people will be still just reading it or waiting for it.
5. Please correct me, if I have some bad grammar
This is my first Mogtober ever, so
☂️Step Boldly☂️ and have fun!