Sami, a 13 year old, grows to finally accept virself as agender. It tries to tell they're parents, but they are not supportive and signs vir up for church. As they keep insisting upon vir gender identity, the closer it's parents are to finally stopping it. When they do press it however.. it's parents end up brutally murdering vir. But they aren't dead, it simply found virself a new world - a world it'd play on they're phone.
- The biological gender of this character will not be revealed.
- The biological name of this character will not be revealed.
- Its pronouns are vi/it/they, and all of them are being used.
- This character has my name, gender, age, and pronouns as it originated from my Roblox Adopt Me avatar.
- This is not related to my life at all, except for the name, etc.
- My Roblox username is @RespectMeMortal. It is ok for you to use this creepypasta as a character but do not impersonate me.