How much would it hurt me to kill me.
How much would it hurt them if I killed me.
Would they care. There is only one way to find out. But do I want to find out.
I'm 16, I don't go to school. I don't have a family. Just four friends. I do have a story, a deeper story. I hate it, it makes me sad. The moral of the story, is, really: people don't take children seriously.
The cushions are on the ground, teared open, feathers everywhere. The couch is toppled over. The mirror is gone. Pieces of glass, red stains on the wall, is that blood? Fear. I'm still afraid. What if someone took her. My mother always used to hang out with those bad guys. Used to date them, argue with them, fight them. They would win. I can't count how many times my mother got into fights with them, and they would hurt her badly, and they would also steal from us. She only wanted them for free drugs anyway.
Based on a true story