15 parts Complete Anna is scared. She was once just a simple human girl slave to a noble vampire who never treated her like anything more than a dog. Now, after her win in the latest Population Diminishment Games (created by the evil President who was very fond of the Hunger Games book years before), Anna is now a criminalized vampire. And what for? She was forced to steal the most powerful weapon owned by the President: one of the magical Jewels.
For a School Project in English, we were to make a script for our own original movie, and actually make it. So, we did. Here's the script, and for our extra actors' entertainment, the written continuation of the story which we couldn't actually act out due to lack of time, money, settings, and professionalism.
Let's Revamp VD is a second extended version of Vampiric Domination. While the series is done, every so often I shall be updating Let's Revamp VD, which should be a better version of the original. Whether the plot will stay the same will be up to what I feel is best for the story.