she was perfect, flawless, no sight more amazing and stunning than her warm smile, elegant gait, and most definitely gorgeous features. She didn't feel like that though she felt she was ugly, those comments online reeking of insecurity and hate got to her one by one because she had acne, something she cried over days and days from pain she got, the pain hurt her so much so, and her career took a hit as a actor especially in Korea she couldn't fit the high beauty standard the unrealism didn't matter, she couldn't fit it! On her phone searching on plastic surgery websites and ways to lose weight most efficiently, she saw a ad it was of an endearing sorts with lots of bright colors and a cute little yellow cube that with a smiley face that seemed to brighten up her mood with just one look, containing the words that she should tap it if she feels sad or insecure about especially acne, she tapped it despite her initial reaction of scoffing at it she had a feeling a good feeling about it, then what happened next brighten up the darkest crevices of her life; her insecurities, vanquishing them into the tiniest piece of dust to exist which proved to be the best decision of her life.