This little Kid was only 7 when his family got murdered... the murder saw the kid but he didn't kill him. The killer was wearing a mask, With all black clothing... the killer walked outside, the cops surrounding the house. The killer got shot, his mask flew inside the house and the kid grabbed it. He shoved it in his pocket and ran outside. He was now an orphan... 30 years later and the kid was now an adult, he was a killer himself. He wore the killer mask. He killed many people, every night... He would only kill people in the Night. His nickname was the night stalker... He was immortal and couldn't die. One person survived his attack her name was Evelyn. Her family was murdered to, she has friends from college who help her figure out this killer. Evelyn went to go live with her friend Emma. They fight and fight to try and kill this killer. They go to the hospital several times. Jake has been stabbed but survive then stabbed again. The friends make it out safe but the killer is still on the lose.
17 letnia Mila Smith z swoimi patologicznym rodzicami przeprowadza się do Windsor.Zamieszkuje tam na jednej z bogatszych ulic , lecz nie wie co wydarzy się w Windsor College.