"I hate you, you know?" Izuku sniffled. "I hate you so, so much." "I hate your stupid voice sounding like a kicked puppy over the phone when you're the one who messed it up. I hate your constant texts through the night, always apologizing. I hate when you cry and beg like a baby. I hate that you made mom cry again. I hate that you left me. I hate that you went all the way to America. I hate that your features are blurred and distorted in my memories, god I can't even remember what you look like." Izuku croaked trying not to cry too loudly. "But most of all I hate myself." Izuku sobbed. Hisashi attempted to say something, but Izuku cut him off. "I hate that as a kid I cried for you in my sleep, I hate that when I had bad dreams and you weren't there to burn them away I ached. I hate that I was the reason you left and made mom so sad. I hate that I didn't have a quirk. I hate that because of that you ran off and left me crumbled, but even then I still cared about you. I still care about you. And I hate myself for it. I hate you for it. I hate that you don't deserve it." He sobbed. "You know it right? You know you don't deserve it."All Rights Reserved